Friday 20 May 2011

Creation of man part 7

Quran(23:14):then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood;then of that clot we made a(foetus)lump;then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh;then we developed out of it another creature,so blessed be Alllah,the best to create!

Prophet Athiest:
Then we made made?? If you understand simple english,It clearly means that allah takes help of some one else here...or else he would have said I made the sperm in to a clot,and at the last author of Quran blesses himself Lol!!
Any ways this verse is completely unscientific,and these things were already been explain 1000 years before Quran came.

STAGE 1. nutfa -- sperm
STAGE 2. ‘alaqa -- clot
STAGE 3. mudagha -- piece or lump of flesh
STAGE 4. ‘adaam -- bones
STAGE 5. dressing the bones with muscles

We have here a Hadith which is reported to be from the mouth of Muhammad;
attested to by the best authorities--Bukhari and Muslim; included in a special collection of Hadiths by a specialist in Hadiths; which has gross scientific errors. It follows the stages of the Qur'an exactly, but here Muhammad has added other information. The drop of sperm remains a drop of sperm 40 days, then an "‘alaqa" 40 days for a total of 80 days, then "chewed meat" for 40 days for a total of 120 days as shown in the following summary. Modern gynecological studies have shown that sperm remain alive less than a week inside the female genital tract, and that at 70
days organ differentiation and maturation are well advanced, except for the brain.
STAGE 1. sperm--for 40 days
STAGE 2. ‘alaqa -- clot for 40 days
STAGE 3. mudagha -- flesh for 40 days
This makes a total of 120 days or 3 months and there are still no bones.In truth all organs are formed, bones are beginning to calcify, and muscles are moving at 2 months.This Hadith says that it doesn't even become "an unformed lump" until 80 days, a clear error

According to the best evidence, he was born on the
Greek island of Cos in 460 BC. His stages are as follows with the references in the text.
Semen:-Sperm is a product which comes from the whole body of each parent, weak sperm coming from the weak parts, and strong sperm from the strong parts. Section 8, p 321 Coagulation of

Mother's blood:
The seed (embryo), then, is contained in a membrane ... Moreover, it grows because of its mother's blood, which descends to the womb. For once a woman conceives, she ceases to menstruate... Section 14, p. 326
Flesh At this stage, with the descent and coagulation of the mother's blood, flesh begins to be formed, with the umbilicus. Section 14, p. 326
Bones As the flesh grows it is formed into distinct members by breath ... The bones grow hard ... moreover they send out branches like a tree ... Section 17, p. 328 This information is clearly summarized in the following chart.
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. mother's blood descends around the membrane
STAGE 3. flesh, fed through umbilicus
STAGE 4. bones
Clearly this shows that 1000 years before the Qur'an the development of the embryo was divided into stages.

In his book On the Generation of Animals, (Aristotle, On
the Generation of Animals, Trans. by Arthur Platt, Vol. 9 of Great Books of the Western World, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1952.) sometime about 350 BC,Aristotle gives his stages of embryology. (The section numbers are in the text.)

Semen and menstrual blood:
In this section, 728a, Aristotle speaks of the male semen as being in a pure state ... "It follows that what the female would contribute to the semen of the male would be material for the semen to work upon." In other words the semen clots the menstrual blood.
Then he continues, "Nature forms from the purest material the flesh ... and from the residues thereof bones, sinews, hair, and also nails ... and lastly, round about the bones, and attached to them by thin fibrous bands, grow the fleshy parts. ..." 654b
Clearly the Qur'an follows this exactly, sperm clotting the menstrual blood which forms meat. Then the bones are formed and lastly "round about the bones ... grow the fleshy parts" as we see in the following chart.
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. catamenia -- menstrual blood
STAGE 3. flesh
STAGE 4. bones
STAGE 5. around the bones grow the fleshy parts
This exctaly matches the quran,but sadly this was already explained before came in to existence

The opinion of Charaka (123 AD) and Susruta is that both the male and female contributed seed. The "secretion" of the male is called the sukra (semen) ...
The "secretion" of the woman is called artava or sonita (blood) and it is derived from food by way of blood ..." (Dr. P. Kutumbiah, M.D., F.R.C.P., Ancient Indian Medicine,Orient Longmans, Madras, 1969, p. 2-4.)Here we see that in the medicine of India, they too had the idea that the child was formed from the male semen and the female menstrual blood.

Galen was born in 131 AD in Pergamum (modern Bergama in Turkey)Galen's work was considered so important that copies were still being made in 1500 AD. Secondly,although the Arabic copies reflect a translation made 700 years after Galen's life, no one doubts their essential accuracy.

Galen - On Semen :Galen says, "The substance from which the fetus is formed is not merely menstrual blood, as Aristotle maintained, but menstrual blood plus the two semens." p 50.The Qur'an agrees with Galen here when it says in Sura 76:2, "We created man from a drop of mingled sperm."

Embryological Development:
Concerning Embryological development, Galen also taught that the embryo developed in stages.He wrote, "the first is that in which ... the form of the semen prevails. At this time Hippocrates too, the all marvelous, ... still calls it semen (geniture)."The next stage is "when it has been filled with blood, and heart, brain and liver are (still) unarticulated and unshaped ... this is the period ... that Hippocrates (called) foetus."
(The Quranic Sura 22:5 reflects this when it says, "... Then out of a morsel of flesh,partly formed and partly unformed ...")
"And now the third period of gestation has come ... Thus it (nature) caused flesh to grow on and around all the bones."We saw above that the Qur'an agrees with this in Sura 23:14 where it says, "And we clothed the bones (with) meat."
"The fourth and final period (puer or child - verse 9) is at the stage when all the parts in the limbs have been differentiated." (Galen, op.cit. I 9, verses 1-9, p. 92-95.)
STAGE 1. The two semens
STAGE 2. plus menstrual blood
STAGE 3. unshaped flesh
STAGE 4. bones
STAGE 5. flesh grows on and around the bones

Scientifically bones never forms first,and flesh doesn't grows on and around the bones.these is no stage called as Clot in modern science
The author of quran is confusing us The Quran gives conflicting accounts on how man was created:
From the clay?
11:61 It is He Who hath produced you from the earth Out of dry clay (Arabic Salsaal)15:26,28,33 We created man from sounding clay
17:61 ... Thou didst create from clay
32:7 He began the creation of man from clay
From mud?
23:12 We created man from a product of wet earth (Pickthall)
23:12 Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay)
From water?
21:30 Allah made every living thing from water
38:71 I am about to create a mortal out of mire From water
25:54 It is He Who has created man from water (see also 24:45)
Out of sperm?
16:4 allah created man from sperm drop(see also 35:11)
Out of dust?
3:59 He created (Jesus) out of dust
30:20 He created you from dust
35:11 Allah did create you from dust...
All this works of Allah is equivalent to Dust!

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