Friday 20 May 2011

Creation of man part 4

<<<The man is created from water?>>>

Quran(21:30):-Do not the unbelivers see that heavens and earth were joined together as one unit of creation before we clove them asunder?WE MADE FROM WATER EVERY LIVING THING.WILL THEY NOT BELIVE THEN?

Quran(24:45):-And allah has made every animal from water

Quran(25:54):-It is he(Allah) who has made man from water

Prophet Athiest:
Scientifically its in correct,every living things are not made from water.Sceintifically speaking,all living being conists of water molecules in their body.In human body the cytoplasm consists 70% of water and 30% is filled with enzymes and proteins.water is very essential for the living being to survive.

Man is not made from water,human body is made up of cells,
Cells are the basic structural and functional unit in every living organisms.humans have more than one cell,we are called as multicellular organisms.

Climax in the events of fertilization creates a joint product named
the zygote. It contains all the essential factors for the development of a new individual. Zygocyte is the initial cell formed when two gamete cells are joined by means of sexual reproduction. It is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo. A zygote is always synthesized from the union of two gametes, and constitutes the first stage in a unique organism's development.Zygotes are usually produced by a fertilization event between two haploid cells—an ovum from a female and a sperm cell from a male—which combine to form the single diploid cell. Such zygotes contain DNA derived from both the mother and the father, and this provides all the genetic information necessary to form a new individual. The term zygote is also used more loosely to refer to the group of cells formed by the first few cell division

Cell consists of lysosmes,rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum,vacuoles,mitochondria,neuclar membrane,protines,chromosomes which store genetic meterials etc.

So its very clear that human body is made of cell,as soon and the fertization processe takes place,a joint product is formed "zygotes" this first living cell formed during this process is called "Zygocyte"

Not only human body consits of water molecules,96.2% of body weight comes from "organic elements" present in many different forms. DNA, RNA proteins, lipids and sugars are all composed of primarily O, C, H and N.carbon dioxide (CO2)as well as other small molecules involve these elements.
Oxygen (65.0%)
Carbon (18.5%)
Hydrogen (9.5%)
Nitrogen (3.2%)
3.9% of body weight comes from elements present in the form of salts.
Calcium (1.5%)
Phosphorus (1.0%)
Potassium (0.4%)
Sulfur (0.3%)
Sodium (0.2%
Chlorine (0.2%)
Magnesium (0.1%)
Iodine (0.1%)
Iron (0.1%)
The trace elements compose less than 0.5% of total body weight.
Chromium (trace)
Cobalt (trace)
Copper (trace)
Fluorine (trace)
Manganese (trace)
Molybdenum (trace)
Selenium (trace)
Tin (trace)
Vanadium (trace)
Zinc (trace)

Any ways these verse conradicts with the verses which says man is created from dust(3:59)(35:11) from clay and mud (15:26,28)(32:7)from earth(11:61)
Difference between dust and clay

Dust is:-fine particles of matter,the particles into which something disintegrates ,something worthless,Major source of dust is space,most of dust comes from the space and settels on earth.
Clay is:-A naturally occurring ALUMINUM SILICATE composed primarily of fine-grained minerals.Clay deposits are mostly composed ofclay minerals, a subtype of phyllosilicate minerals, which impart plasticity and harden when fired or dried; they also may contain variable amounts of water trapped in the mineral structure by polar attraction.
Organic materials which do not impart plasticity may also
be a part of clay deposits

Aluminium silicate is considered to be fireproof for the
purposes of building and insulation.And muslims are also made up of aluminium silicate,so I would like to test them,just like looser jakir nalayak(zakir naik ) tested the christains faith with poison test(gospel of mark 15:18).I will ask muslim to get naked,pour petrol or desel or kerosine on thier body,and try to burn them self with the help of a match stick,and if their body burns,then allah is proven wrong,if they dont burn,then I will accept Quran to be true,and embrace Islam LOL!!

Water is a constituent of living matter while dust can be any matter, excluding living matter, while earth is the land that includes anything from dust to clay. Hence they
can't be the same since all land isn't dust and all dust isn't clay and all land isn't clay.Also water isn't land either since land is distinguished from sea and air, which presents another contradiction.

imagine mixing mud and clay withdust& will get a homogeneous solution,not a living being

<<<Homogeneous solution:mixing of two or more substance>>>

I challange all the muslims to create a single living being by mixing these clay,water,dust together.

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