Friday 20 May 2011

Creation of man part 3

<<<Man created from clay and mud?>>>
Quran(15:26):-We created man from sounding clay,from mud moulded into shape

Prophet Athiest:
True(15:26) is easy to understand according to (54:17)
But according to modern science man is not created from clay,mud,etc
allah even repeats the same thing in (15:28)
This verse goes against modern science,thus a scientific error

Funny thing is that muslim say we dont bow down to any one except allah.
Because allah has said so..

Ok now let's go to further in the same chapter, we come across verse 33
Quran(15:33):- (Iblis aka devil)said:"I am not one to. Prostrate my self to man,whom you did create from sounding clay,from mud moulded in to shape
(15:34):Allah said"then get out from here,for you are rejected,accursed.

LOL poor Iblis..i feel sorry for you.
well muslim come up with lame excuses that iblis didn't follow the order of allah,so he deserved it...Actually allah. Contadicts him self

So iblis challanges Allah in verse 39,
Allah says in (15:41)"this (way of my sincere servents)is indeed a way that leads straight to me...

Adam and eve were sincere servents,but iblis made them eat the forbidden fruit,and thus Defeated allah hahaha

Any ways I challange all the muslims scientists to create a man from just mud and clay,you can even pray to allah,to help you in this,as allah answers to your prayers.

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